Monday, March 5, 2007

The BerryTree Overview

TheBerryTree is a new division and additional profit center being offered by Nutronix International. It's a collaborative effort between Nutronix, AutomaticBuilder, and top leaders from the field. It was created to fill a need in the marketplace. Many people are looking for a program they don't have to personally work at. Please click on TheBerryTree link to learn more and see a video about this exciting opportunity.

This is virtually a 100% automated program. Part of every $49.95 membership is used for guaranteed advertising to bring in new members and customers. The more members we have the more advertising dollars we have. This ensures continual growth.

TheBerryTree is a patent pending plan that will revolutionize the network marketing industry. Specifically to you it will provide an additional revenue stream for doing exactly what you are already doing, without additional work on your part. You will be able to double, triple even quadruple your earnings simply by having an active BerryTree account.

A unique aspect of the BerryTree is that any achievement level you reach in Nutronix allows you to participate in TheBerryTree Bonus Pools. This means you can earn extra money on every single member of TheBerryTree no matter who sponsored them or when they joined. This adds to your Nutronix earnings just by being a member of TheBerryTree.

Since TheBerryTree will grow very similarly to a matrix, the higher positions are the most valuable. If you are a valued member of Nutronix International you are being given the unique opportunity to participate in a limited time Nutronix Advanced Placement.

After that, we will begin the Pre-Launch where you can invite friends, family and associates to position themselves in top spots. Then we officially Launch and our multi-million dollar advertising budget kicks in and grows TheBerryTree globally.